Sexy Crush Fetish

All about beautiful girls crushing stuff

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Mistress Rina wanted this kid to know that she was not going to let him be a spoiled brat. She wanted him to be well mannered and well adjusted. So she crushed his toy car to punish him for his misbehaviors and she saw to it that he did not get a new one until he had learned his lesson and that he had changed as well. It was also a fun thing to do for the mistress.

When this mistress wanted to crush, she went to the woods where she could crush whatever she wanted. She also knew that she had all the time to do it and besides that, there was little disturbance there. So she carried things to crush in her bag and she also crushed other things that she found as she walked in the woods. It was fun and was an exercise as well.

Mistress Marie loves to crush and smash to scare people and today she smashed and crushed chocolate with her boots to scare this slave. He had been taking a lot for granted and she could tell. She did not want him to be too comfortable about it and that is why she did that. He was told that he would be next to be crushed unless things changed drastically. He changed.

Mistress Nyx was so angry at the way in which she had been treated at work and since she could not do much about it as it was her superiors behind it, she got home and she took out her anger on her toys. Since she gets angered easily, she had bought them to help her contain her anger. And it worked out perfectly as she was able to contain her anger.

Mistress Mila was out to have fun by crushing and as she thought of what to crush, she settled on crushing food using her high heels. She felt that it was the easiest thing for her to do and she did it without any care in the world as she knew the food would not feel pain and that she could do whatever she wanted with the food then have her slave clean up.

Mistress Mila felt that she had no use for this toy after her son outgrew it. Instead of having a yard sale, she chose to crush it and destroy it for fun. That is what she was up to until the time she was done. The mistress enjoyed it more than she should have and so her crush fetish was born and since then, she buys toys just to crush.

Mistress Anfisa was out to crush this teddy bear and she did it with her ass. She had bought it purposely to crush it and that is what she did to it. The mistress loved the experience and she wondered why others did it with their high heels instead of doing it with their asses as it was better, sexier and it tickled the ass and pussy if done right.

This mistress had a hungry slave. She came with food to give him but she noticed that he had not done what she had asked him to do. And this was the third time she was asking him to do it. So she got pissed off and instead of giving him the food, she crushed it as he watched. Then she made him eat the crushed and dirty food before he did the work immediately.

This mistress had never been as bored as she was today. She had to find something to keep her occupied so she went out and came back with some toys. She had fun crushing them with her hands as well as with her feet but mostly with her feet. As she crushed them, she created a mess and went ahead to use the same mess to humiliate her slave who had to clean it up.

Mistress Kylie was interested in crushing toys and she went out and bought some toy cars for her to crush. She wanted to crush one a day and that is what she ended up doing. Today she came from work eager to do it and she was wearing high heels. She got started on the crushing but it was a little more challenging than that as the toy car was strong and did not get easily destroyed. But she loved that because it gave her a challenge.

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