When this mistress noticed that she had a lot of time on her hands without anything better to do with it, she knew she had to look for a way to pass time. So she went to the basement and she found an old pair of high heels as well as a toy car which she crushed for fun and to pass time. And that is how she came to have a crush fetish.
Lady Asmodina went for a walk near the lake but that did not take up all her time the way she had expected it to. So she went out of her way to crush some toys she found and as she concentrated on doing so, she was able to kill enough time for her to get started on the walk back home. She had also managed to clear her head.
Lady Despina felt that she had to punish this guy because he had not done what they had agreed on. He was reneging on his pledge and she was not willing to look the other way as he did so. So the mistress used her sexy crush to punish him and to make him honor his pledge. And as she crushed things to send a message, he learned that he would be next and he did the right thing.
Lady Lulu felt that if she did not punish her son, he would be taught a lesson by the world. So she did something about it and that was through his favorite toy cars. She crushed them as he watched and he cried and begged her not to but she did it anyway. And that was when he realized there were consequences for the choices he made and his behavior too.
This guy tried to hit on mistress and she did not mind. But when she realized that he was married, she was pissed and she knew that she had to do something to make sure he never tried to hit on girls again while he was married. So she crushed him and told him to remember his vows the next time he wanted to hit on someone other than his wife.
Lady Lulu loves to crush things with her sexy heels. And she is never short of things to crush. Today the mistress wanted to crush this toy tractor. She did not have any issue with it but she felt like crushing and so she had to find something to crush and the toy tractor, belonging to her nephew, was the closest thing to her and she destroyed it. But she bought him another one.
Mistress Scarlet wanted this guy to endure things that she had never done to anyone else. And that is why she chose to use her high heels to trample him. She trampled and crushed blueberries to show him what she was going to do to his nuts. He had no choice but to endure what she did to him and he cried and begged her not to continue with the torture.
Mistress Anfisa was tired of leading an uptight life. She wanted to try something she had never tried before which was crush fetish. So the mistress went ahead and she took a doll and ass crushed it. She had fun doing it as it tickled her ass as she did it. And she could imagine how much fun it would be to crush a loser for the fun of it.
This mistress did not feel like going to the gym but she still wanted to practice. So she used the toy cars she had in the house to work out. She wore her sneakers and she used them to crush the toys and have fun doing it. The mistress got lost in trampling and crushing the toys that she did not notice how much time had gone and she was getting late for work.
Mistress Mila wanted to test how strong her high heels were so she used some tough toys to test them. She crushed each one of them individually and when she was done, she put the mess together and she crushed them together. She had a great time doing it and her high heels did not have anything close to a scratch to them and she knew they were good ones.